⬇ If you’ve ever wondered where is Game of Thrones filmed, here’s the answer⬇
Thinking about the premiere of the last season of this acclaimed HBO production, in Muchosol we have prepared a guide that will make you want to escape to the Game of Thrones filming locations. If you have followed the adventures of the characters throughout the first seven seasons you will have noticed how spectacular the landscapes of Westeros are. Alike, if you haven’t watched it, you can still continue and we will give you the spoiler.
The premiere of the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones will take place on the 15th of April on HBO UK at 2 am. However for those unable to stay up for the simulcast, Sky Atlantic will be repeating the episodes at 9 pm the same day. It will consist of six chapters and, although the exact duration of them isn’t known yet, there are rumors that they will be about 90 minutes long. What is sure, is that we will continue to see spectacular scenarios of Game of Thrones and, according to the writer, scenes are getting more violent and interesting than the usual. We leave you the official trailer and make sure your jaws don’t drop ? Read on if you want to know where is Game of Thrones filmed?
Where is Game of Thrones filmed? Travelling to Westeros!
- Game of Thrones with House Targaryen
- Discover the scenarios of Stark House
- Accompany the Lannister in their adventure
- Scenarios of Game of Thrones with House Baratheon
- Where were the scenes of House Martell filmed?
- The Greyjoy house and its Game of Thrones locations
- Visit the places where the Night’s Watch plays
- This is where the scenes of the House Tyrell were shooted
- The wildlings, key characters of Game of Thrones
Spain, Ireland, Malta, Croatia, and Iceland have been the most frequent destinations that exploit the characters of Jon Snow, Tyrion or Daenerys. In the quest for the desired mastery of the Seven Kingdoms, our favorite characters (and not so much) have visited some of the most emblematic places in these countries. You will see that the streets of Braavos where Arya escaped in the sixth season are, in fact, around the cathedral of Girona; and that the Martells took a break in a nice place in Seville. Do you want to know where is Game of Thrones filmed? Moreover, if you want to travel comfortable, make sure to check out these 12 travel looks.
Master the fire like Daenerys
La Khaleesi and Mother of Dragons had dedicated long seasons in Spain and Croatia, and here we have the proof. Check out the cool locations where is Game of Thrones filmed for the scenes with Daenerys.
House Targaryen – Fire and Blood
The Targaryen had lived on the Dragonstone for 100 years until Aegon Targaryen and his sisters conquered 6 of the Seven Kingdoms on their dragons. He governed in Westeros for almost 300 years.
Daenerys seems like the only survivor from the Targaryen. Her parents passed away almost after her birth and her brother Viserys is killed by Khal Drogo in the first episodes.
Blackfyre and Dark Sister are the names of the swords that they’ve used.
Let’s see the locations where is Game of Thrones filmed with Daenerys.
The ‘’Fosa Daznak de Essos’’ is, in reality, the Plaza de Toros Osuna in Seville.
This is a place of great importance where Tyrion Lannister meets with Daenerys.

The Dothraki sea is, in reality, the Bárdenas Reales dessert in Navarra. This natural park had been converted into one of the wildest terrains of Dothraki. All the staff, actors and technicians worked from dawn to dusk to film those scenes.

The town of Meereen is, in reality, Peñíscola (Castellón).
The municipality of Peñíscola has become the town of Meereen, where some episodes were shooted in the 6th season where Daenerys was there with all of her entourage. In addition, the town was decorated in medieval style to make it look even more authentic.

The House of the Undying in reality is the Minceta Tower in Dubrovnik.
The Torre Minceta is a huge round building that is located on the highest point of the Dubrovnik walls. While Daenerys is there, she is trying to find the entrance of the House of the Undying.

In this fragment of the series, you can see that Tyrion, Daenerys, Missandei, Jorah Mormont, Daario Naharis and the Eunuchs ones are surrounded by the Sons of the Harpy in the stadium, where Meereen’s retiners are disputed. At the moment of tension appears Dragon (the biggest dragon of the three) to defend the Mother of Dragons from the attack.
More of where is Game of Thrones filmed with Daenerys as a protagonist
Dragonstone is, in fact, the island of San Juan Gaztelugatxe in the Basque Country.
This place was chosen to shoot the exterior of the castle in the 7th season. It became a very popular place and visited by thousands of fans of the series. It’s so popular that they have to control the access and let only small groups at a time. Previously in the series, Dragonstone was represented in Downhill Beach (Northern Ireland), which recreated the home of Stannis Baratheon.
Feel like a Stark
Accompany Arya and Bran in their struggle for survival. Here, we are very BIG fans of the Stark house. And, when we refer to the Game of Thrones filming locations, we are left with our mouths open with some of the scenes of Game of Thrones.
House Stark – Winter is coming!
The well-known House Stark of Winterfell is a noble house of the North. They used to rule as Kings of Winter, but since the Aegon’s Conquest they have been Wardens of the North and ruled as Lords of Winterfell. Their territory, Winterfell, is an ancient castle renowned for its strength.
The tower of Joy was, in reality, the Castle Zafra de Guadalajara, where in the movie is located in the Red Mountains of Dorne. If you are a game of Thrones fan, you will know that some scenes from the 6th seasons were filmed there.

Braavos is Girona!
The Spanish city was chosen as a background for some of the series of the 6th season. Arya Stark has the main role in the scenes of Braavos. In the first two episodes, ‘’la Pujada del Rei Marti’’ was used as an element of the Braavos streets. In the 5th episode, happens to appear the plaza dels Jurats, where Arya watched a spectacle in which they made fun of Lannister.

The haunted forest is, in reality, the Tollymore Forest Park in Ireland.
The haunted forest is a vast forest beyond the Wall in northern Westeros. Located beyond the Seven Kingdoms, it is inhabited by the free folks. North of the haunted forest is the unmapped Land of Always Winter. In this park were shooted various scenes. For instance, the scene where one of the members of Kingsuards spotted in the snow, the bodies of the wildlings family.

Go to Ireland and discover all the locations!
Do you remember this scene in Girona, excuse me, in Braavos, in which Arya confronts the Waif? In the next fragment of the video, we will refresh your memory.
Roar like a Lannister
Learn to control the Throne with an iron fist from Cersei’s hand. Among all the characters of Game of Thrones, we have to admit that Lannister isn’t our favorite one. Well, we like some of them, but we can’t say the same for the evilest ones.
House Lannister – Hear me roar! A Lannister always pays his debts.
House Lannister of Casterly Rock is one of the Great Houses of Seven Kingdoms and the principal house of the westerlands. Their seat is Casterly Rock. The Warden of the West is a Lannister by tradition.
If you are a Lannister fan, these are the places you should explore.
King’s landing – the Cathedral of Girona
A very important place for the Lannister. In the 6th season, the Cathedral of Girona was turned into a Great Sept of Baelor.

The wedding ceremony of Margaery and King Tommen took place there as well as the scene where the High Sparrow betrayed Cersei.

The Lannisters traveled to the Tyrell gardens in Croatia which are in reality the Trsteno Arboretum.
It is where Tyrion is walking next to Sansa Stark who is trying to understand the complicated mind of Stark and her thoughts about the future wedding.

In this scene, King Tommen Baratheon appears before the people carrying the symbol, representing the Faith of the Seven. He announced that the Crown and the Faith have been united. We admire Tommen a lot, which is your favorite Game of Thrones character?
Where is Game of Thrones filmed that Lannister appears more?
The Dragonpit (in King’s Landing) is, in reality, Itálica.
The last chapter of the seventh season of Game of Thrones is the encounter between the great protagonists of the series. The real place of this “meeting” is the Amphitheater of Itálica, in Seville. This scenario of Game of Thrones is where, in the past, the Targaryen kept their dragons in captivity. The shooting of the scene in this location lasted a month and guess what? It will appear again in the 8th season of the series.
The battle of the Spoils of War took place in Los Barruecos (Cáceres).
This landscape of Malpartida de Cáceres is the background of episode 4 in the 7th season. You definitely remember it from one of the scenes where Daenerys Targaryen’ dragons flew over the area and destroyed everything on their way. They invested 20 million dollars to shoot these scenes, which counted with the participation of more than 800 extras and it lasted for 22 days of filming.
Visit the Stormlands and explore where is Game of Thrones filmed
… but don’t be fooled by the faith of the Red God (R’hllor).
House of Baratheon – Ours is the fury
House Baratheon was incarnated by the face and the hand of Robert Baratheon, the king of the Seven Kingdoms, as well as by the children he had from his wife, Cersei: Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen.
If you want to know where is Game of Thrones filmed that Baratheon family has visited, we recommend the following:
In the south of the King’s Landing, it’s located the Stormlands which in reality are the Cushendun Caves in the north of Ireland.

The beautiful but dangerous Melisandre plays the birth of the shadow baby in those dark and mysterious caves somewhere on the coast of Stormlands.
In reality, this scene was shooted in the amazing Cushendun Caves.
The Dragonstone castle is, in reality, the Downhill Strand.

This place recreated the home of Stannis Baratheon. The dark castle of Stannis Baratheon rose above a cliff over the sea. There’s nothing to do with the typical green landscapes, we relate Ireland to.
It’s incredible, isn’t it? What’s your opinion about a picnic day there sometime?
Shireen Baratheon, the only daughter of Stannis, asks her father if he is ashamed of her because of her physical appearance. King Baratheon, who is cold-hearted but loves his daughter to pieces, gives her the answer she wants to hear.
Go a few days to the south with Oberyn and Ellaria
Let yourself be carried away by the exotic locations. Where is Game of Thrones filmed with Martell? These scenes are one of our favourites.
House Martell – Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
The House Martell, sovereign of the Dorne region, is characterized with the intelligence and the capacity that they’ve managed to maintain their relations with the kingdoms during the time. On top of that, House Martell has managed to do that without being friends or enemies with the kingdoms. Also, they’ve become important through those very valuable and allied partners that they’ve made a connection with.
The prince Oberyn and his lover, Ellaria Arena are one of the most recognized faces that governed Dorne. The lethal sand snakes are also part of this various clan in which we meet with very interesting personalities.
Do you want to know where can you find a bit of Dorne? Then, let’s discover where is Game of Thrones filmed?
The water gardens of Dorne are in reality the Alcazár of Seville.
To recreate the private residence, the beautiful gardens of Alcazár of Seville were used as a setting.

These scenes were of major importance for the Martell, thanks to the events that took place, the scenes were shooted exactly in this breathtaking Andalusian place, in the west of Sunspear which by the way was also recreated in Spain.
Sunspear was, in reality, the Alcazaba of Almería.

The exteriors of the capital of the Dorne kingdom were the ones from the Alcazaba of Almería. Therefore, if you want to feel like part of the Martell and the sand snakes, then you should consider Andalucia for your holidays.
Book your accommodation in Seville and explore all the Game of Thrones locations
In this scene, Jaime Lannister and Bronn go to the Water Gardens in Dorne to kidnap Princess Myrcella Baratheon, who is engaged to the prince of Dorne, Trystane Martell. But the sand snakes, daughters of Oberyn Martell, happen to appear and there is a confrontation between them.
Wouldn’t you like to spend a few days in the Iron Islands?
Yara and Theon are waiting to show you that what is dead can not die, do you dare?
House Greyjoy – We do not sow
House Greyjoy, the governor of the Iron Islands, has a very long lineage that soars from the Age of Heroes. The House Greyjoy has always been related to the sea and it’s known thanks to the siblings Yara and Theon. They are competing for the throne of Pyke together with their uncle Euron, as a result of the death of their father.
This is a story of a family betrayal, which has as a setting the beautiful green landscapes blended with the sea. If you want to follow the steps of the House Greyjoy, we recommend you to visit the next destinations.
The Iron Islands are in reality the Murlough Bay and the Bermeo in Biscay (part of the Basque country in northern Spain).

In the scene where we see Theon and Yara riding a horse were shooted on the Murlough Bay. It’s part of a National park and there is a beach with dunes and various networks of hiking trails.
This scene which was on everyone’s lips, it’s not only because of the reunion of Theon with his family but also thanks to the natural surroundings.

However, Ireland isn’t the only place where Greyjoy has starred. The Basque country was also used as a setting of the Iron Islands. For the recreation of the Greyjoy castle, the producers were looking for a natural place and that’s how they’ve chosen the Bermeo in Biscay.
The Lordsport of Pyke, in reality, is the Ballintoy port.
The location is right next to the beach on the Irish coast. On this peninsula with views over the crystal clear waters of the sea, was recreated Pyke, the capital of the Iron Islands.

The port of Pyke was the place where goods were exchanged as well as the place of arrivals and departures from the Iron Islands. In real life, you can find this place on the Antrim Country, where is Game of Thrones filmed.
In this fragment, Euron Greyjoy stands out with the dominion of the Iron Islands after a coup against his brother, Balon Greyjoy. We can enjoy the breathtaking views of the Islands. It is mostly about Basque and Irish landscapes that have turned out to be one of the most used Games of Thrones filming locations.
Be the sword in the dark, during this night and all that is yet to come
Join the brothers of the Night’s Watch and fight against the threat of the White Walkers.
The Night’s watch
The Night’s watch is a military order and it’s the oldest one from the Seven Kingdoms. Its mission is to protect the residents of Westeros from the White Walkers and the wild tribes. Although the brothers of the Night’s watch don’t have an official blazon, they are often related to the raven.
Their main bastion is the Black Castle, situated in the most northern part of Westeros. From up there, they defend themselves from the White Walkers.
If you are a fan of the Night’s watch, would you like to know where is Game of Thrones filmed?
The Castle Black, in reality, is the Magheramorne

Castle Black is the main bastion of the Night’s Watch members. This is the biggest castle and it’s located on the most dangerous place within the Seven Kingdoms due to its proximity to the Wall.
In addition, this is also the place where we’ve seen Jon Snow and his guard fighting against the White Walkers and we were in pain when we had to watch the destiny of the Night’s watch.
If you want to get closer to the ambient of Game of Thrones, you can visit Magheramorne in the Antrim County, together with other Game of Thrones filming locations that served as a setting in the region.
In addition, you can see the reunion between Sansa and Jon Snow. The girl has escaped from a forced marriage with Ramsay Bolton and she is safe next to Brienne de Tarth. Both go to the Castle Black to meet with the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, who turns out to be her brother.
Be Strong, as the House Tyrell
Let’s see where is Game of Thrones filmed in which the main role take the House Tyrell? We suppose, you already know Margaery, her brother Loras and her grandmother Olenna.
Altojardín is, in fact, the Castle of Almodóvar del Río (Córdoba)
The Cordovan fortress has recreated Altojardín, home of the Tyrell. We saw it in the third episode of the 7th season. Jaime Lannister takes the castle by storm.
You do not know anything, Jon Snow
Live wild like the wildlings beyond the Wall.
Wildlings – the Free Folks
The wildlings are the tribe that lives further away from the Wall. Even though, in the series, they are known as the wildlings which compose the Free Folks. They are descendants from the First Men who always lived apart from the rest of Westeros. They have the attitude of free people without a region, nobility nor kings. They follow their leader’s orders but their loyalty can change at any time.
The Wildlings adore the Old gods and they have the mindset that the Old gods created the world to be shared equally among everyone. Therefore, they don’t admire the kings and come with their own weapons and crowns.
The relation between the Free Folks and the Crows Raven (that’s the nickname of the Night’s watch) isn’t that good. Despite the conflicts, they had also helped each other. Moreover, some of the wildling children were adopted by the Night’s watch, so that they can become one of them.
We have to highlight that the women that take part in the battles right next to the men are called Spearwife. They participate only when they want, a very important quality for them is that a man keeps his word.
The wildling that everyone loves is Ygritte, that achieves to conquer Jon Snow’s heart. Let’s see where is the location of one of their most famous scenes.
The thermal Bath is, in reality, the Grjótagjá cave in Iceland.

This beautiful cave is situated next to the Mývatnal lake, in the north-east of Iceland. Despite that outside is cold and that it might snow, the thermal waters can heat up to 50 degrees. It’s here where Ygritte and Jon Snow had their intimate scene.
‘’- You are mine, whispered. You are mine and I am yours, and if we die, we die but first, we’ll live.’’
You may remember this scene from Game of Thrones, in which Jon breaks his vows as a brother of the Guard. Ygritte and he enjoyed a moment alone in the warm waters of the thermal caves.
Surely, after this Game of Thrones guide, you already have a trip in mind. Then pack your suitcases and live the experience of touring the places that George RR Martin had in mind for the Song of Ice and Fire. Perhaps, with the emptiness that you will feel when you see the last season, you will be encouraged to travel to all the places in the universe of Game of Thrones. If you travel alone, you can get some inspiration from these Instagrammers. Are you ready to explore Westeros and discover where is Game of Thrones filmed?