If you are one of those that don’t like traveling long trips, do not hate them and look at the bright side, they may offer a respite from your busy life. Take this opportunity to catch up on movies uninterruptedly. Time will pass much faster, and you won’t feel that gloomy upon the arrival at the destination. So, remember always to place inside your luggage a tablet or a laptop, having previously downloaded some travel movies. You and your family wont get bored, and you all will be able to get through the long trips.
Here is the list with our favourite travel movies to watch:
Nowhere in Africa
The first one that we recommend you between our travel movies, is a true-life story of a Jewish family in Germany, that escapes from the Nazis to emigrate towards Kenya to start running a farm, but not all members of the family adjust to their new life. Since the option of turning back seems impossible due to the situation in Germany, everyone has to adapt to the new culture, opening themselves up to the locals.
Under the Tuscan Sun
We warn you that after watching this movie, it may make you want to change your holiday plans and set off your journey to one of those beautiful vineyards in some Italian village. As Frances Mayes, the woman of the story did, she travels to Tuscany in search of a new life, after a recent divorce. As she flings herself into her new life, Frances starts making news friends. Although she faces an uncertain new journey, life shows here that there are always second chances.
If you dream of experiencing a movie holiday, click the following link to find out other movies that were set in Tuscany.
Stay in our beautiful accommodations in Tuscany under the Tuscan sun
Life of Pi
Life of Pi movie could be a good travel movie for your kids. It is about a writer that visits the Indian storyteller Pi Patel and asks him to tell his life story. Explains that once the zoo that his dad owned was not longer supported by the municipality, hence he embarked on a sea trip to Canada to begin a new life. One night aboard their Japanese cargo ship, out of the blue, in the middle of the ocean, a violent and deadly storm hits and sinks nearly all that Pi holds dear. He survives in a lifeboat with several of their zoo animals, including a fearsome Bengal tiger. In a struggle to survive, Pi and the tiger forge an unexpected connection that gives him daily motivation to live. Life of Pi is a tale of faith, hope, and the fight to survive.
Around the world in 80 days
This could be another good option of a travel movie for your kids. You and your family will be entertained during a trip with this American action adventure comedy film, based on Jules Verne’s novel. A tale that centers around three heroes. Along the way, they face many adventures and overcome obstacles, such as: the Hopping on a sailing railroad across The West, being attacked by fierce prairie Indians, they also rescue a princess in India, Sailing a burning Atlantic paddle-wheeler, fighting bulls in Spain…

The story of Cheryl in this movie will catch your attention during your trip, while she hikes more than a thousand miles of the Pacific Crest Trail alone, as a way to restart her life, give up her drug addiction and finally cope with the death of her mother as well as her marriage break-up. Wild powerfully captures the terrors and pleasures of one young woman forging ahead against all odds on a journey that maddens, strengthen, and ultimately heals her.
The Way
You will definitely be blown away with such an emotional movie, be aware that few tears may drop form your eyes, and you may probably decide to hike The camino de Santiago after watching it. The movie follows the story of an American doctor, that travels to France in order to pick up the ashes of his dead son. His son passed away on The Camino and he walks it to finish what his son started. Along the way, he meets up other pilgrims that become his friends, and begins to understand why his son used to love traveling so much.
Eat, pray, love
Are you a big fan of Julia Roberts? Then, this one has to be between your travel movies, where she performs as an unhappy married woman, that after a painful divorce, steps out of her comfort zone to make a change in her life. So, she begins around the world journey in order to find herself and what she really wanted in life, by discovering the gastronomy of Italy, the power of praying in India and finally her own personal peace and balance, and a new true love in Bali.
You will fall in love with this movie, one of the most inspirational and touching between our recommended travel movies. It is about a man who was struck down by polio at the age of 28 and not being able to live without a respirator. However, his amazing wife Diana didn’t let him give up, showing that life is so much worth living. With the help of Diana´s twin brothers, the couple dare to escape from the hospital, raising up their son, traveling and helping other patients with polio.
The secret life of Walter Mitty
This movie has excellent reviews between the travel movies. You will embark on the global journey of Walter Mitty, a man that escapes from his job and normal life and immersed himself into a more exciting and adventurous life that he could have ever imagined. You will see how breaks out of his shell, and how his daydream start turning into reality.
Lost in Translation
And in the last of our travel movies, you will explore Tokio along with Bob Harris (Bill Murray) and Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson). Bob a renowned American actor, whose career is not going well, moved to Tokyo to take part in a commercial Japanese whiskey shot. He spends his non- working hours at the hotel, where he meets Charlotte, a wife of a successful photographer who is in Tokyo, and she stays at the hotel, while he works. Bob and Charlotte share a similar dissatisfaction with their lives, become fast friends and as they start exploring Tokyo, they begin to wonder if their sudden friendship might be moving into something more.
Picking up any movie from the above-recommended list of our favourite travel movies, will assure you an extra of motivation and your trip will begin with super good vibes, and most importantly, time will just fly away. If you have watched any other travel movies during your trips, please share them with us! In addition, if a movie isn’t enough to distract you from the long journey, here are some tips on how to stop feeling bored while traveling.