Dear Santa,
Christmas is around the corner, so does the Christmas situations that happen every year. This also means holidays in which you need to go home or maybe your friends and family will come to visit you. In any case, these are approximately 2 weeks of time with the family, yes, including your little annoying cousins.
It also means that you have to find room in your luggage to pack all the Christmas gifts or otherwise you better don’t show up! How on Earth am I supposed to pack that ham for my father, since the new Ryanair regulations are taking place?
Well, despite that, Christmas is the best time of the year.
We all know that feeling when you can’t stand off the table because your jeans are going to rip off due to the amounts of food. Yet, your grandma is still insisting to eat a lot, because she sees you a lot skinnier than you were before going to live in the UK. (P.S now she doesn’t like the UK because according to her, people there don’t eat at all, SHOCK!)
What about that time when you need to unwrap all the Christmas presents? Well, let me guess, you get money, money and big size chocolates! Well, thanks to my relatives for looking after my shape…and very creative presents. It’s still better than the pair of socks that my neighbours give me every year, the same colour!
But the best comes at the end! You are quietly sitting at the corner of the table, stuffing your mouth with food when suddenly your uncle asks you if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend in front of the whole family. Well, by now you should know how to get over it, and your cousin’s annoying laughter, right?

Well, other than that everything is perfect!
Except for the fact, that I might need a gym membership card afterwards!
Alternatively, Santa, you can always give me a six-pack. Of beer, of course! Corona, if possible! I’ve behaved extremely well this year, so I think I deserve at least this at the end. I mean family dinners, Santa Claus, please spare me with a little provision!

So, to come to the conclusion, family dinners are amazing but if only we could not being asked so many questions!
Speaking of questions, who else went to the mall and spoke with the random Santa Claus there (sorry, for reading this Real Santa, you are still my Nº1!). So, I walked to him and I asked him for a cute boyfriend and a dragon (don’t judge me for the choice…I’ve heard boyfriends give flowers). This was his answer:

Seems I will get a dragon! ?
I guess I will always be like this (#foreveralone)

Also, Dear Santa, How you doing? I guess, no one is asking you this question, so I figured out you want some attention, right? I’ve heard that you are having some troubles with the elves and the reindeers.

By the way, Santa, I know you are busy during this time of the year, but please be in charge of your own work. You have 364 days to do it! My little brother recently begged me if I can give him a unicorn for Christmas. So he did that.
So, if you want to take a rest, browse over the Muchosol accommodations
Everything is about Christmas in this letter, so I remembered the old classics from our childhood. Everyone’s watched Home Alone, a Christmas must-see movie when this time of the year comes. However, am I the only one that wonders how is possible that from the Child Protection didn’t come to take away Kevin from his parents? I mean, what kind of parents forget about their child at Christmas?
If everything goes wrong, well, at least my cat thinks she is a star.

Although, I am not sure, how much the Christmas ornaments enjoy it. I guess it’s some weird cat Christmas tradition that we, humans, won’t ever understand.

In the end, Santa Claus, please give my Muchosol co-workers prettier Christmas jumpers for the new-coming year!

P.S Love you all, pretty faces!
Actually, this isn’t the end. I know, dear Santa Claus, that you have a naughty list but be careful because there are a lot of dangerous people out there!

I think, now, I’ve come to the end. Just last thought. Many people say you don’t exist, well, don’t listen to grown-ups. Of course, they will say that when they don’t get presents for Christmas. Or is it because they are on your naughty list? Awesome! I knew what goes around comes around. Still, remember that time when I was 16 and my mom didn’t let me go out! Payback time!
These were the Christmas situations! I promise I will behave very well during 2019! I’ll also leave cookies for you, next to the chimney (by the way, you might want to lose a few pounds as our chimney is very tight). Other than that, if you like eating cookies I guess you would like to read our article on Alsatian food. In addition, I have one tip for you: read this article because obviously, they aren’t your biggest fans there.